
Spicebox is a digital platform that pays homage to Indian kitchens (and my Mom). It aims to simplify the basic premise of common spices found in masala dabbas (spice boxes) throughout Indian households through a list of curated recipes. Each spice is displayed on the website with a contrasting color palette and minimal supporting illustration to drive attention to their distinctiveness. The purpose of Spicebox is to pass down family recipes and build a community around food.


Found Joy?

Found Joy? is a collection of expressions of joy. The intent of the collection is to share, recognize and relate to joy as it is experienced by others. The idea for this was inspired by a Reddit thread, and in a time where we are consistently overwhelmed with societal challenges, this collection allows us to experience communal joy. The platform aggregates user uploaded content such as images, gifs, videos and text from social media posts hashtagged #joy.


Data Privacy

This fine print publication provides a critical lens to view the complexities of what privacy actually means in our society. In an era where our personal information is constantly collected and monetized, often without our consent, this zine aspires to raise awareness about taking control of our privacy. In the zine, the aspects of being tracked and seen are explored with graphical elements like overlaps, tight kerning and leading lines.


Disorderly Dots 

This type design uses unorganized dots to create letters and numbers, resulting in a unique and visually striking look. The dots, seemingly placed at random, are carefully arranged to ensure that each character is recognizable and easy to read. This makes the typeface feel both modern and retro, with a touch of playful charm. Disorderly Dots typeface is great for designs that wish to communicate creativity, fun and playfulness.


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